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  • Pocket City Farms 31A Mallett Street Camperdown Pocket City Farms (map)

Can we chat? Since 2018 Pocket City Farms has been gathering people to share conversations around food and farming. Our urban farm in Camperdown is a perfect place to gather like minded people to share our Australian stories and spark ideas and action. This December we are turning our attention to the sea and Sydney’s position as a coastal city.

Sydney’s iconic harbour, world famous beaches, and stunning coastline draw attention from around the world, but Sydney’s coast is so much more than a gorgeous playground. As we look towards the holidays and planning our summer gatherings and celebrations, we focus our discussion on the link between the sea and our plates. From fresh fish and seafood to seaweed, the sea can be an abundant larder.

This Farm Chats will explore the marine ecosystems near Sydney, and the competing priorities of recreation, food provision (both commercial and recreational fishing and foraging), and conservation. How do land management values translate to our care of the sea? Join us to talk about all this and more!

When: Wednesday December 4th, at 6pm. Panel will finish by 8pm and beers & chats are welcome to continue.

Cost: $25

Provided: Your first beer thanks to our brewing mates Young Henrys, kombucha by Ballsy Brewing, tasty nibbles by Hearth & Soul, bread by Brickfields

Bring: Coins for beer donations. All donations go directly to our school education program.


Oliver Brown, of Fat of the Land and Sea. Oliver is an archaeologist with an obsession about where food comes from and how it gets to the table. This has made him enough of a forager, fisher, hunter, gardener, beekeeper and cook to take on the challenge of going for a year living on wild and homegrown food with just ten other ingredients allowed into the kitchen. All while keeping up an office day job and family life in suburban Sydney. He leads coastal foraging workshops and fishes and dives for any seafood that he eats. Oliver is passionate about getting people to engage with the sea and take on the role of custodians.

Pia Winberg, Director and Chief Scientist Venus Shell Systems. Pia has been working across both the marine industry and academia for the past 15 years and has a background in marine systems ecology. Her career has spanned both academic research and industry innovation in the fields of coastal and estuarine ecology, fisheries and sustainable aquaculture systems. Pia’s main research is in marine food production systems that are sustainably integrated with the coastal and marine environment and, as such, her published research efforts span aquaculture and sustainable estuarine systems. Pia is the driving force behind the pioneering development and production of Australia’s unique seaweed biomass and extracts.

Georgina Wood, of Operation Crayweed. George is a PhD candidate at UNSW Australia and has a background in marine ecology and assessment of marine management strategies. Her work is focused on how ecological measures (such as ecosystem function and biodiversity of seaweed-associated communities) and population genetics may be used to aid and assess the success of the crayweed restoration project. George is also passionate about public outreach through direct outdoor experience and citizen science.

Holly Davis, of Food by Holly Davis is a wholefood chef and educator, She co-founded Sydney’s Iku Wholefoods in 1985. Holly has been eating and advocating for organic wholefoods and the regular inclusion of small amounts of seaweed in a healthy diet since she began cooking in 1980. She has taught the seafood component of Jude Blereau’s Whole and Natural Chefs Training Program in WA and is never happier than when she is sharing her knowledge and lifelong experience.

In conversation with: Cat Dorey. Dr. Cat Dorey is an environmental & social justice activist and science advocate who has been working on fisheries, aquaculture and seafood sustainability for 16 years, primarily with Greenpeace, and in the last few years as an independent advisor. Cat works with NGOs, industry, governments, and academics to provide up-to-date analysis of current and emerging science and policy development for fisheries management, sustainable and equitable seafood sourcing practices, and most recently fish welfare. She is on the steering committee of Make Stewardship Count, the Board of Directors for Sustainable Fisheries Partnership, and a keen member of Permaculture Sydney North.

Young Henrys is an eclectic group of passionate brewers, distillers, musicians and artists, united for the love of good beer and fine gin. 
Brickfields baking heavenly pastry, cakes and crusty sourdough and serving up delicious treats at their corner bakery in Chippendale.
Ballsy Brewing  Organic, precision brewed, and handcrafted Kombucha.

December 1


December 14