Pocket City Farms is excited to be collaborating with the stellar folk at The Fermentary for a workshop with Sandor Katz - dubbed by the New York Times as “one of the unlikely rock stars of the American food scene,” award-winning American author, DIY food activist, self-described “fermentation revivalist” he is the unofficial global godfather of the fermentation movement.
Start the day early with Sandor Katz and the wonderful Diego Bonetto, Sydney's own urban forager - better known as The Weedy One. We'll spend the morning walking with Sandor and Diego learning a new way to look at our city paths learning what's good and delicious to pick and the common places to spy them. We'll have lunch provided by our friends at Cherrymoon General Store, and then bring our finds to Pocket City Farms where we'll show and tell the many ways to preserve our finds from the day.
This is where we let Sandor do his thing - making a honey mead, using the frames and comb to make a mead. Adam Kennedy - local beekeeper and mead maker will join us and Sharon will chime in with a foraged finds Jun tea - and help Sandor make a sauerkraut with wild and foraged herbs.
Sign on for a full day - which includes the picnic lunch. There are a few tickets for the afternoon alone - for those who can't make the walk.
You'll take home: Jun SCOBY, a recipe for a good Jun, a foraging guide (full day only), a jar of honey, a 'gateway mead' and The Fermentary's sauerkraut recipe.